Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Missionality Revisited

I've been revisiting my past posts on missionality this week in order to re-evaluate the way that my family, and also our community group, is pursuing practical missionality (love like Jesus and make His gospel known) among the people that the Lord has placed in our sphere of influence, and as I've been doing this, my husband introduced a talk from Pastor David Platt to me that was given at the Advance the Church conference this April. The underlying thesis of this talk, The Gospel Advanced: Radical Service, is that the gospel compels radical concern for the needs of the world around us. We can't believe the gospel and not pursue urgent missiology.

Here's the talk below. I would encourage you to take the time to listen to Pastor Platt and be prepared to have God change you through his words. These words that Pastor Platt speaks and the gospel message in itself is changing me.